Our most requested research method
- Quantitative-qualitative hybrid research method instantly allows client to see how participants answer questions
- Up to 100 participants in a session
- Guided town hall discussion
- Secure environment to ensure confidentiality
- Almost any major city in the US
- Immediate access to raw data
- Back-2-Back sessions
- Test out ideas in their infancy through product development, or optimize portfolios based on consumer interest
We modified focus group
- Eliminates excessive ‘air time’ where groups jump to tangent topics
- Calming the group dominator and drawing out the timid
- Quantitative results viewed instantly using Instant-Insight computer devices
- Efficient way to get side-by-side results from different target markets
- Most major cities
- Secure room environments
- Back-2-Back sessions

- Improved employee engagement during company meetings, corporate gatherings, and team trainings
- Snapshot of how well a training is doing allowing for course correction
- Customized surveys that can be tailored to each team or project
- Employee feedback when developing new company policies for wide release
- Understand moral or stress temperature of certain teams
- Rating new ideas for company development and direction
- Brings Franchisee and Franchisor into the research to understand business direction, promo and growth strategies
- The direct data from their consumers creates a natural path to make informed decisions on how to best grow their respective sides of their business
- Used to test new branding ideas, opportunities, products or services
- Internally used for company breakouts and Franchisee team trainings

So much more than a boring online survey
- Facilitator guided research with Recruited & Real people online
- Interactive session requires participants to be virtually present and participating
- Flexible question formats create interactive online experience
- City, Regional, or National test markets
- Immediate access to raw data
- Can be used for research or business training purposes